Media Advisory
Tonight Daryl Hannah will be on Larry King Live to talk about the South Central Farm. ***It is important that in this national media venue, we ensure that the primary sentiment by callers and viewers is a POSITIVE one.***WHAT YOU CAN DO TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE:
1. Call in to the show during the broadcast (it is on at 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific) and ask a question or make a positive comment. The talking points and suggested questions are below.
2. Email your comments or questions NOW at the Larry King website:
3. Spread the word to other allies who are supportive of the South Central Farm.
This press release was just sent to us from the South Central Farm where Julia Butterfly Hill had been fasting and tree sitting for over 3 weeks. Daryl Hannah and John Quigley are still there and at last report were still in the walnut tree but about to get removed by sheriffs at any moment.
***NEWS FLASH - Tuesday 8:59am, 8 people have been carried out on tretchers and they have started to bull doze the land! WHAT: Hundreds of officers with the Los Angeles Sheriff department swarmed onto the peaceful, non-violent South-Central Farmers garden at 5:15am today accompanied by six helicopters buzzing over the sleeping supporters.Supporters of this 14 acre organic farming community remain outside the locked-downarea on the street chanting their protest of this forceful action while 20 are still insidethe farm.Dozens of supporters have been living on the land, sleeping in tents, and taking turns living in the Walnut tree on the premise while fasting to show solidarity with the Farmers. Julia-Butterfly Hill just came down last week after fasting for 23 days. Several celebrities have shown up in the last few weeks - Willie Nelson, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Ed Begley, Jr, Joan Baez to name a few.
Developer Ralph Horowitz Attacks the Poor of South Central Los Angeles Destroying the Primary Food Source of 350 Families The South Central Farm was forcefully seized today despite the peaceful resistance of the South Central Farmers and their supporters. An early morning raid began at 5:00am to evict the farmers and community supporters who had taken up camp 21 days ago at the South Central Farm. The L.A. County Sheriffs Department coordinated this action with the assistance of the Los Angeles Fire Department and the Los Angeles Police Department who were dressed in full riot gear. Approximately 50 demonstrators have been arrested, some suffering the force of baton use. Bulldozers have been brought in to level the 14 acres of food and medicine that began to bloom 14 years ago when the land was mitigated to the community in the wake of the 1992 uprising. With tears on their faces farmers are being supported by an influx of community supporters turning out to demonstrate their continued efforts to save the land for the community.In reaction to today’s action, Tezozomoc, an elected representative of the South Central Farmers comments, The community is outraged that the failure of our political leadership has led us to this situation. This is a historic moment of devastating shame for the city of LA. Our community is completely distraught. The mayor did not let our farmers in to his press conference today, violating their civil rights…In February of 2004, Judge Jaffey, when he issued the conjunction that proposed the city undo the process that was created in the back room deal with Mayor Villariagosa, the City Council had the opportunity to take personal responsibility for this situation. Instead, they choose to cover up the story using the legal issue of property rights. If the City Council had taken personal responsibility to undo the deal we would not be in this situation that is breaking the heart of Los Angeles.
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