We Were Born Into a World Where:
by Wolfi Landstreicher
Dreams and desires have been locked within the cages of psychotherapeutic interpretations; Revolt has been bound with the fetters of moribund leftist ideologies; Creativity has been enslaved to the sadistic masters, art and literature;
Dreams and desires have been locked within the cages of psychotherapeutic interpretations; Revolt has been bound with the fetters of moribund leftist ideologies; Creativity has been enslaved to the sadistic masters, art and literature;
The marvelous has been handcuffed to the cops of mysticism and mythology;
Reality has lost the ability to laugh at itself and its foibles
and so suppresses a truly playful spirit;
Thought has become a rigidly armored fortress protecting
its ideological foundations from every criticism;
Revolution has had its passion organized out of existence
leaving only structural rigor mortis where once insurgence breathed and danced.
This world has ceased to bring forth amazing monsters;
It is no longer a conduit for the marvelous;
It has lost touch with the convulsive beauty of love and lust;
It can no longer give birth to babies with wings;
It has ceased growing and begun to rot;
It has suppressed surreality wherever this marvelous flower has bloomed.
Therefore, from now on, surreality will manifest in:
Dreams and desires freed from all interpretation and sublimation,
being the living energies of free-spirited individuals;
Total revolt against every aspect of social reality including theideologies that strive to squeeze this revolt into the limited mold of leftist activism;
The free-spirited creation of our lives for ourselves,
lived to the limits against every role and rule;
The discovery of the marvelous in each unique being,
free from any mystical or religious guidelines;
The humor and playfulness of free-spirited individuals
who realize their strength and creativity in their own joyful foolishness;
Open, expansive, generous thinking which grows from
the inner strength of free-spirited rebels;
An insurgent dance, a feral insurrection that refuses alllimitations,
exists beyond all structures and is the realm of indomitable free spirits.
Today, social reality is a lifeless, passionless corpse.
Let's bury it.
Now the amazing monsters of surreality must come forth in the world
playful and terrifying in their wild energy,
freed of the cages and chains that have bound them;
our dreams, our desires, our humor, our revolt
can populate the world with the most marvelous creatures.
Social reality is dead;
long live surreality!
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