President Bush signed The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA, S.3880 ENR) into law today, Monday, November 27th. The AETA not only puts our constitution in jeopardy, it puts all of us who speak out against the status quo in jeopardy. Animal rights activists, civil rights activists, the media, entertainers and even the NRA are all in danger of being called "Terrorists."
The broad language in this bill creates a dangerous, slipperly slope that can be used to take away our first amendment rights and put innocent people in jail! The bill was fast-tracked through both the House and the Senate by the biomedical industries -- people who have everything to gain by silencing legitimate protests against their cruel animal abuse.
"LCA has been at the forefront of fighting and opposing the AETA on a national level. Former Congressman and lobbyist for LCA, Charlie Rose, has been working feverishly against the AETA," states LCA President Chris DeRose. "This is not over for LCA, this is just the beginning."
Fight the AETA Contact your Senate and House Representatives and let them know you oppose the AETA and their complacency during the passing of the bill.
Visit www.house.gov and www.senate.gov for contact information.
read the bill in full: Download or read it here
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