Each year, coffee companies rake in profit by the billions. Last year alone, Starbucks earned $5.8 billion in net revenues. Yet, for every cup of coffee Starbucks sells, poor farmers in coffee-growing countries like Ethiopia make about three cents.
Call on Starbucks to give farmers their fair share of coffee profits>>
Cheap overseas labor and production is nothing new for large corporations. But Starbucks claims to be different. Their website states: "Starbucks strongly believes in the importance of building mutually-beneficial relationships with coffee farmers and coffee communities with which we work."
In reality, Starbucks rakes in premium profits that Ethiopian brand names command, while the farmers providing their supply have been left behind in poverty. With as many as 15 million Ethiopians dependent on coffee revenues, the Ethiopian government has asked Starbucks to sign a licensing agreement that will give Ethiopia trademark control over the names on its coffee. This will allow Ethiopia to determine an export price that ensures a larger share of profits for farmers, enabling them to feed their children, send them to school and pay for better healthcare.
Ask Starbucks to sign the agreement giving Ethiopia trademark control over its coffee, ensuring farmers get their fair share of coffee profits.
Go to: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/335760574?z00m=5975699&z00m=5975699<l=1162438406
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