What Alito's confirmation means for you
A message from NARAL Pro-Choice America President, Nancy Keenan
Let's not sugar-coat it: this is a bad day for our nation, and the American values of freedom and privacy.
With the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, President Bush and his anti-choice allies now have enough votes on the Court to dismantle a woman's right to choose. And there are more than a few upcoming court cases that the new anti-choice majority on the Supreme Court could use to undermine reproductive freedom and privacy.
After so many of you fought so hard and did so much to prevent this confirmation, I can't pretend this isn't a discouraging moment.
But despite how we feel now, this is not the end. It's a challenge to be sure. Yet, we must see this moment as an opportunity to reconnect with the reason we started fighting in the first place. We've learned some hard lessons this past year. But this challenge must inspire us toward victory in the future.
If you're like me, you believe in an America where people have the freedom to take responsibility for their own lives -- without government interference. That is the America I want to live in, and we'll need you to join us in fighting to take it back.
Here's how we can get started...
First, we must take a good hard look at the latest Supreme Court confirmation battle that ended today. Of course the big question is: why did we lose? One word sums it up: numbers. While a strong majority of Americans believe in a woman's right to choose, we don't have the majority in the Senate.
There is a silver lining, though. While we lost the confirmation battle, we have significantly added to the numbers of active pro-choice Americans who can help us win back the Senate.
As one of our most loyal activists, I'm asking you to be a part of our game plan for 2006. We're focusing our efforts to turn today's lessons into pro-choice victories by...
Electing pro-choice senators in 2006. To quote pro-choice Sen. Barack Obama: "There's one way to guarantee that the judges who are appointed to the Supreme Court are judges that reflect our values. And that's to win elections."
Preventing unintended pregnancies and reducing the need for abortion with our nationwide Prevention First campaign.
As we put our priorities into action, one thing is certain: we can't succeed without you by our side. You are our partner in this struggle, and your dedication, creativity, and ideas are our most valuable resource. So, today I'm asking you to share your thoughts with your fellow pro-choice Americans.
Here are a few ways we're hoping you will give us your input as we begin this new day:
Ask me anything you want to know about our plan for 2006. Write me at CAN@prochoiceamerica.org with the subject line "Ask Nancy" and I'll be answering your questions throughout next week.
Join the discussion on our blog. Our resident blogger Jessica will be leading online discussions about what this confirmation means, how we can keep up hope, and what we're going to do next. Check it out now at www.bushvchoice.com.
Say it loud and proud: "I am Pro-Choice America." Check out our online photo gallery of Americans around the country who have joined our "We Are Pro-Choice America" slideshow -- then add your photo as well!
Become a monthly sustainer. Of course, our strategic initiatives are only made possible by the generous support of people like you. If you'd like to help us make our plan happen in 2006, the most cost-efficient and effective way to give is to become a monthly donor to NARAL Pro-Choice America. Click here to check out our monthly donor program and sign up today!
As you reflect on today's challenges and look forward to fight for the victories ahead, I want to thank you again for all the work you continue to do to protect a woman's right to choose.
My Best,
Nancy Keenan
President, NARAL Pro-Choice America
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