Pretty soon after the events of 9/11, there where people who raised serious questions about the official story of 9/11. Now, four and a half years later, the evidence that this story is a lie, is overwhelming. Question is, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to sit and leave it for what it is, allowing the perpetrators to continue their illegal operations? Where do you think that would lead to? What will happen with our democracy if we allow these practices? And maybe the biggest question that we might ask ourselves is: “Why is it that we still allow criminals to lead our country and more and more determine our lifes?” People of this world, please think about what you allow this world to become if you allow the present course of actions taken by leaders who seek nothing else but power and control over others and eventually total world domination!
Some may still think that the official story is true, because they simply cannot believe that our leaders would be capable of doing such terrible crimes against their people. Well, if you are one of those who live in such emotional fields that you simply cannot bear the truth that your leaders would be capable of doing these things despite the scientific evidence that they are, then please don’t read this any further, for you wouldn’t accept any of this anyway. Emotions can and do shut down one’s ability to think clearly and to examine the facts with a clear mind. Our leaders and indeed our corporate networks know this and use it to their advantage to gain control over you. Look what has happened since 9/11, the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, the American government spying on its own people, and even the Constitution being questioned! Are you really prepared to give up your freedom in order to be protected from so called “terrorism”? Is our country really any safer than it was before 9/11? Face it people, YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO BY YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT.
Apart from the wild stories that flow over the internet and the claims by our government that these are all conspiracy theories, there certainly is scientific evidence provided by scientists and students who conducted their own research and have proven beyond doubt that the official story of what happened on 9/11 is a lie. I will provide some very important facts that will tell us an entirely different story when viewed from the laws of physics and the laws of nature as we know them. What I will show you here comes from the documentary “9/11 Eyewitness” and in case you aren’t able to get that documentary yourself, which you should really try, you can read the evidence presented in this article.
First of all, forget about all the so called “evidence” provided by the government that terrorists were behind the attacks. All the information being presented can be easily faked by all the sophisticated means that the security and other government agencies have to their disposal. Evidence can be and indeed has been manufactured in many cases in order to gain what is desired, not just in the case of 9/11. That is no secret and not new. Admittedly, at the time of the events it was all so horrible that you cannot blame anyone for not having a clear mind as to what was really happening. However, the pictures and footages and recordings of the events are still there and now we may have a clearer perception of what exactly happened at the moment that these WTC buildings collapsed. Defenders of the official explanation that the jetliner crashes and fires were responsible for the total destruction of the three WTC buildings have been unable to cite even a single example of the total collapse of a high-rise steel-framed building from any cause other than controlled demolition. Consequently they have cited collapse incidents that do not even remotely resemble the cases of the World Trade Center skyscrapers.
Both towers were nearly identical and should have collapsed in roughly the same time producing roughly the same seismic energy. Yet there is a difference of 0.2 on the Richter scale, which is roughly 1.3 tons TNT. Where did the extra energy come from?
The top of the south tower did not fall as it should have according to Newton's laws, but instead the entire building came down ejecting tons of steel. Normally this type of collapse is only observed when controlled demolition is used.
Series of large explosions were heard and recorded at the basements of all three buildings producing large plumes of dust.
All three buildings fell almost at freefall on their own footprints which according to the laws of physics is impossible because of the resistence caused by air and debris. The freefall collapse of a high rise (steel framed) building can only be accomplished by means of controlled demolition.
All three buildings produced pyroclastic clouds upon collapse, indicating large explosions suspending fine dust into the air.
This phenomenon is known to occur only in three situations:
1. volcanic eruptions
2. turbidity currents
3. collapses of buildings caused by controlled demolition
For a more detailed explanation, please visit: http://www.ditrianum.org/Artikelen/artikel33en.htm
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